1. Check the back of your card to be sure it's from Gift Card Granny.  You should see the Gift Card Granny logo in the bottom right-hand corner.  If you do not see that logo, please look for a website address or phone number and contact the appropriate company.

  2. Check to make sure your card is activated. Visit this page and enter your card information to make sure it's been activated.

  3. If you are showing a $0 balance, please check the "Valid Thru" date on the front of your card to make sure your card has not expired.

  4. If you believe your balance is incorrect and lower than expected, typically this is due to what's called a "Pre-authorization" which means a merchant you swiped the card at, may have authorized the card for a larger dollar transaction than what the actual purchase amount was. The differing amount will be reimbursed to your card typically within 7 days of when the merchant authorized your card.